Finex Outsourcing

The Payroll Outsourcing Provider You Can Trust

Payroll Outsourcing

The Payroll Outsourcing Provider You Can Trust

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Fin-eX has industry-leading experience, having more than 20 years’ payroll experience and more than 20 years of providing managed services. HMRC endorses payroll outsourcing solutions, So you can rest assured you’re in the best in the hands of Fin-eX.

Contrary to the competition, we do not take on tasks that take a lot of time, such as medical surveys and sick leave.

What is payroll outsourcing?

Payroll outsourcing happens when a specialized company such as Fin-eX handles your payroll. This ensures that your employees are paid promptly, safely, and on time. Payroll will run smoothly and free your HR, finance, and administration teams from the burden of managing payroll. This means you comply with the regulations, such as GDPR.

Benefits of outsourcing payroll with Fin-eX

If you outsource the payroll process to us, we ensure that your payroll procedures run smoothly safe, efficiently, and safely. We’ll make sure that your employees are paid punctually and promptly and will take the strain out of lengthy and complicated procedures. We’ll also keep you up-to-date and in compliance with constantly changing legislation like the 1,500 new global regulations that have been affected since the Covid-19 outbreak began.

If you contract your pay to Fin-eX, you’ll

  • Get compliance assistance
  • Profit from the automated online payroll processing
  • Calculate payroll taxes and pay to you
  • Get expert advice and unify technology
  • The HR department can concentrate on productivity and engagement


Which Fin-eX payroll outsourcing option is right for you?

Fin-eX outsourced payroll solutions can be flexible, scalable, and adjusted to meet business requirements for any size company.


Are you in need of a way to ensure your business has control of crucial payroll processes? Opt for Fin-eX Payroll Processing Services.


By utilizing Fin-eX’s Payroll Managed Services, We manage each payroll process and allow your business to concentrate on the most critical areas. We also take care of your pay stubs and your human resource data system (HRIS) as a trusted partner with decades of experience in the industry.


Do you require both HR information systems (HRIS) managed, along with the ability to speak with our specialists for any questions regarding pay? If so, Fin-eX Payroll Complete Outsourcing Services is the best choice for your business.

Is payroll outsourcing right for you?

To keep ahead of the game businesses, need to be efficient and effective. However, they also need to be responsive and agile. Outsourcing payroll to a trusted expert like Fin-eX can free your time and money, and your brain to concentrate on the business plan.

Being able to respond to environmental and market changes is where HR excels. Fin-eX payroll allows HR personnel to gain access to data reports which provides information on how you can prepare for the future with better employee development, retention of employees, and precise payroll runs.

Fin-eX outsourcing means you needn’t search for employees with the proper payroll knowledge if you do not have a payroll division. The staff won’t have to be worried about the common issues of payroll and whether the law is changing.

How do payroll outsourcing services work?

The information of your employees is transmitted into Fin-eX to serve as your outsourcing payroll service, which includes information about hiring dates and job titles along with pay and wage rates. Fin-eX then calculates and distributes each employee’s pay punctually and in time for you, through direct payment or a payroll cheque. Suppose your employees clock through and out on their own; our system can process the data. A Payroll outsourcing program handles every pay cycle.

Also, we compute and collect your taxes on payroll and insurance. We also give monthly or annual reports of every transaction, providing you with helpful information that can improve efficiency and propel your company forward.

Taxes and National Insurance contributions will be paid to you when they are due, and the reports will be sent to your company. The payroll outsourcing service might also handle new hire onboarding documents and the required tax documentation.

The Fin-eX outsourcing process

Your employees’ data are transferred through Fin-eX for your payroll outsourcing service with information like the date of hire, job titles, and the pay rate. Fin-eX then calculates and then moves all employee’s wages punctually and in time for you. Fin-eX also pays your employee’s payroll tax and insurance and sends monthly or annual reports of every transaction, providing you with relevant data that will aid in improving productivity and move your company ahead.

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